Lenna, my lovely and creative friend in Florida, has done it again. Found a gorgeous new theme for her latest swap on her Creative Swap site. It's for ATCs and it has to have a haiku on it, either on the front or the back. A haiku is a form of Japanese poem, where the first line has to have 5 syllables, the second 7 and the last one 5 again. If you register for the swap Lenna will give you a very helpful PDF will all the necessary information. You can either write your own haikus or use someone else's (provided it's copyright free, of course!). I produced my own haikus all inspired by my frequent visits to graveyards. I made the 4 as seen below (one extra for Lenna) and then felt I wanted to have one for myself. I have a little box where I keep left-over pieces from other projects that I particularly liked and for myself I finally used the fabric-paper collage piece seen above with a little face peering out from it. The haiku reads:
dark ghosts roam the earth
hunting for the shining light
hidden in their souls

long forgotten souls
breath no longer their domain
life extinct death reigns
no more dancing in the light
farewell tragedies
battles lost and won and now
the resurrection

a graveyard in sun
dark and light in life and death
an eternity
The ATC's are wonderful (as is all your art), but the haiku is superb!
I think all your atc. creations are wonderful....love all your Haiku...I love looking the art that makes its way to Lena and beyond. tfs
Frieda! How wonderful you have done these already! I think they are a perfect marriage of your own haiku and your interest in the West Linton Graveyard and all you have been discovering there. Of course I love your fabric paper -yum! thank you for participating in such a great way!
xo lenna
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