Wednesday 7 September 2011

Beading with Laura McCabe

Today was the first day of the two I will be spending in Haddington, doing beading classes with the well-known US beader Laura McCabe. Laura has been coming to Scotland to teach for the last 3 years and has build up a dedicated following. These beading groupies of whom I'm one, come to these 2 or 3 teaching days not just to bead but also to catch up with all Laura's news and kits (oh dear, those kits, temptation personified!!)as well as with each other.

It's no exaggeration to say they are the highlight of the year for me. I don't have to worry about teaching myself, I can just sit there and bead to my heart's content. We made a start with the Stargazer bracelet, of which the above is one of 8 components. I've got about 3 done today and will finish the project at home during the coming days, as tomorrow we're doing the next class!

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