I spend the whole day today just being in my studio and beavering away. The large quilt will shortly have a binding sewn on (this was the quilt that should have been finished by the end of last year but didn't quite make it!) and then I can continue the embellishments. I did some work in my Sketchbook Project and put the last touches (as in beads) on another Journal Quilt.
Very satisfying as the rest of the week was more or less a lost cause. What with driving to Edinburgh for my Artist's Way class (I'm realizing that I'm less and less in the mood to do so even though the book is proving to be more and more effective), escaping to graveyards when the electricity is off and to do my Artist Date, and a dental visit, my art came a poor last in my activity packed week. That has the almost inevitable result that my mood dips and I get more and more fraught with artistic frenzy.

On a more positive note the snowdrops are out already. I don't think we saw them last year till the middle of February but that could have been because they were covered in a thick layer of snow! Our courtyard is full of foxgloves that self-seeded themselves there and put on their greenery during last summer so that this year they will be flowering (they're bi-annuals). Something I'm so looking forward to, even though they looked splendid today in their frozen state.
I hear you Frieda - I have to pack a week of artist "longing" into my Saturday's (it's a pain having to work for a living, LOL). You are so lucky to have flowers coming up. Even though we have had a relatively mild winter here I suspect we will get one good blizzard before we are through. Stay warm through your power outages!
Sorry about all your outages Frieda! That must really complicate your plans for the day!
The snowdrops looks so divine! I have daffodils just about to open already. I know for sure they were not blooming this early last winter.
Your quilt sounds like it is coming along well! Can't wait to see!
"i need to art" - i understand!!!!!! : ))
xo lenna
Beautiful photo of the flowers Frieda! Thanks again for the wonderful 4x4!!
I hope you get more creative time in this week! I hate when I'm bursting with ideas and no time to do anything about it. LOL
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