No, I have no plans to retreat from the world and live a life of abstinence and restraint (who, me??!!!). I have simply handed over the above quilt to its new owner today and then went off to indulge in one of my favourite earthly pleasures and enjoyed a gorgeous bit of retail therapy. I bought the beautiful fabric collection as seen below, Oakshott fabrics from
Karelia House at the quilt show in Ingliston. I'm planning a visit to this shop later on in the spring, but will have to make sure my credit card is fully charged! So many temptations! I won't mention all the other earthly pleasures I partake of, but rest assured, I intend to make the very most of them till my time is up.
By the way, there is a strong connection between this quilt and my liking for graveyards if you have a good look at it. Also my
blip for today where you can see it larger.

It's wonderful to find someone loves your work enough to buy it and the new owner of Earthly Pleasures shares my taste for skulls, skeletons and the like. It's one of a set of 4 quilts (all sized 17 x 22") with the theme of the Four Elements which were part of my
colour - quilts - collage exhibition. Two have now been sold (In Deep Water and Earthly Pleasures). I've decided to hold on the Flames of Passion myself and Up in the Air is still available!
It's been a rollercoaster of a week, so filled with activity that I want to catch my breath. All good though. A prize has been won, a quilt sold, many delectable goodies bought, snowdrops admired, dogs walked, and on top of all that, I finished lots of work in the studio. It's ever thus. When I'm busy and know that my studio time is restricted, I somehow get a spurt of creativity and my mind and hands never stop. On the other hand when I know I have plenty of time to work, I tend to start time wasting, day dreaming and book reading as "I'll do some work directly" is what I'm thinking. So I do try to plan outings during such times, just to get the stream of work coming along. I think this is also what Julia Cameron (author of The Artist's Way) means the Artist Date to do, as well as serving as inspiration.
Holy SMOKES, that quilt is amazing! *love*
What a wonderful post!! I might just have to go and have a skip!!
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