Wednesday, 27 March 2013

In the bleak mid.........spring?

It was rather alarming to listen to the radio weather forecast this morning and be told that our cold snap is expected to last till the end of next month. But sadly if that should prove to be the case there is nothing to be done about it apart from grin and bear it. Fortunately there are compensations such as this beautiful almost full moon last night. It prompted me to get my camera out and test its zoom to the max. It has meant losing some quality of image but I'm still quite pleased with the result.
Not zooming in quite as much resulting in the above picture which I like even better. There is a certain mysterious and spooky air about it. All that's missing is a conveniently located crow but none obliged. 
 I was very lucky with my teaching day on Monday as there were only little flutterings of snow all day so there was nothing to disturb my peace of mind about the return journey and I made it to Newtown St. Boswell and back home safely. Yesterday and today the very welcome blue skies have been interrupted regularly by blinding snow storms, and we had more than 1/2" snow overnight. Because it is so cold all the snow we've had since the beginning of last week is still in sity, and most of it has turned into very hard ice. But it must be said, it does look stunning.
All the pictures here have been taken on the Moor Road between West Linton and Penicuik where we went to get some provisions and to go to the library. We stopped at regular passing spots so that I could get out and take as many photographs as desired. On the way out the Pentland Hills were on our left and got most of my photographic attentions. The stone obelisk above is part of the Victorian water supply pipe to Edinburgh. They can be found at regular intervals all along the Moor Road and elsewhere.
 The sky changed colour almost faster than I could take the pictures.
On the return journey my photographs took in the other side of the same road, towards the Moorfoot Hills in the far distance and as you can see the sky was even bluer. That didn't last long though. Home again now and grey has taken control and another snow storm is due.

The beauty all around us remains breathtaking but I must be honest and admit I'm longing to see some colour appear now, such as the yellow of the still buried in snow daffodils for instance.


Terri said...

Hello Freida,
Oh my, more snow! Your images are gorgeous though. I know how hard it is to get a good moon pic. The trees do look very eerie!
I love the pictures of the snowy fields and hills. That looks amazing to me.
Hugs, and Happy Easter,

Linda Kunsman said...

such incredibly beautiful scenery Frieda!! LOVE your nightime moon shots-wow!! I hope it won't be much longer that you have to endure snow despite the lovely photos you take of it.


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