Tuesday 6 June 2017

Never running dry

We get monthly prompt on Wanderlust 2017 for our Wanderlust book. The latest one told us to fill in the blanks in the following sentence: I am like.........that ...... As you can tell I made my own sentence that reads: "I am like a river that never runs dry". I certainly hope so as far as inspiration is concerned and I am lucky to have many more ideas than I could possible all execute.
I interpreted my sentence quite literally and formed the waters of a river by using suitably coloured acrylic paints and the following stencils from Stencilgirl Products: L431 Line Waves and S354 Rolls.
To that I added images from a vintage book about the river Rhine as well as postage stamps.

Then I stamped on the words using a mix of different alphabet stamps on vintage paper and glued them on as shown.

For the Wanderlust book I'm working in Finnabair's Mixed Media Journal sized 7 x 9"

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