Sunday 26 July 2009

A Scottish Rose

Of course I can't leave the roses for this year without mentioning the poem by our Scottish national treasure Robert Burns, specially in this year of the Scottish Homecoming event.

Here is his poem (with Scottish spelling!):

O,my Luve's like a red, red rose
That's newly sprung in June
O, my luve's like a melodie
That's sweetly play'd in tune.

As fair as thou, my bonnie lass,
So deep in luve am I;
And I will love thee still, my dear,
Till a' the seas gang dry.

Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,
And the rocks metl wi' the sun;
I will love thess till, my dear,
While the sands o' life shall run:

And fare thee well, my only luve!
And fare thee weel, a while!
And I will come again, my luve,
Tho' it ware ten thousand mile.

By the way while still looking for more information on the Legras de St. Germain rose name I found myself in the Borders Bookshop (I find myself there a lot!!) looking if I could find anything relevant in the Gardening section. Apparently I'm not the only one who is interested in the names of old roses as I found this fascinating book called Naming the Rose; discovering who roses are named for. By Roger Mann. Unfortunately it had no info on the Legras rose either but did figure a great many rose names with wonderful photographs and very interesting tales. So that went into my basket. I then discovered that you could buy one book in the gardening section and get another gardening book half price. Such a bargain is always irresistible to me so I bought another book which proved a true treasure trove. I'll be reviewing that in due course!

1 comment:

Maggi said...

That's a very interesting book you found on rose names! And that poem is one of my favorites, I had to memorize in high school years ago!


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