When the days get as grey as today my spirits sink. For a start it means the day remains dark and that in turn makes it very difficult to work with coloured fabrics, specially when you're trying to make a patchwork of greens and browns. The idea is to let the colours flow into each other with a bit but not too much contrast. Sometimes I make my own life a lot more difficult than it has to be. My new project would be so much easier to do in summer!
Doing this in artificial light is simply not feasible so I depend on the daylight hours. On a day like today not much was achieved!
Photography also relies on contrast for best results but at least I can add it myself to my pictures using Photoshop Elements, which is what I did for the above blip of today, taken on our drive home from the village (West Linton).
It is a beautiful photo. You are really getting a ton of snow. Is that normal for your area? Even we have snow and ice tonight.
I know what you mean about working with color in artificial light. I am always thrilled when the sun is pouring in my art room window, then I know I am getting my colors right.
I signed up for my first quilt class! They said the teacher is really good, and the quilt is a sampler. Yea!
I can feel the days lengthening can you?
I am torn between loving the light the snow generates, and loathing the confinement it forces. Here, the snow has gone and it is dark and gloomy. I am hoping to get back to 'normal' next week when No1 son returns my car! Artist's dates a necessity!
Wow, how exciting, Terri, your first quilt class. I look forward to hearing all about it and I'm sure it won't be long before you've caught the sewing bug!
We're still more or less marooned at the moment, Georgina. We could leave the lane by car if we had to, but I'm not willing to risk it for an artist away day. However the thaw has started so hopefully I will venture further afield before too long!
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