There are times when my life feels like a run-away train, and I desperately want to pull on the emergency stop cord and say: "Hang on a moment, I need to catch up!". My art is overtaking the speed with which I can share it here on my blog.
I have tried to analyze why this is happening. After all I do only have two hands and can only work as fast as those allow, but that has been the case since as long as I've lived, so why this year do I seem to be producing so much art. The answer might lie in the fact that I'm doing different art such as art journaling, the sketchbook project (of which this is a spread) and generally smaller pieces that take less time to do. Yes, I'm still quilting too and have managed to finish some of that, but you won't see it here yet, till it goes to an exhibition. But I detect in myself a taste for going small and I'm giving that taste its head for now. I am even contemplating (no firm decision yet!) trying to make a Journal Quilt every week next year! You might hear more about that in due course or alternatively I might bury that idea forever more.
I'm trying to clear the decks blogwise but I've still got a list of finished art that I need to show here, and bit by bit I hope to catch up without jumping off the bandwagon.
This purple spread is in the sketchbook I received as part of the Sketchbook Project 2012 (see button in the right sidebar). My sketchbook has the theme Monochromatic, but within that frame I'm making each spread as colourful as possible using just one colour. You'll recognize several of the flower pictures as they have been shown either here or on my Blipfoto page. The right-hand side of the spread has been divided up into multiple squares, and that's a feature of every spread in this sketchbook. More of my sketchbook both for 2011 and 2012 can be seen on my page at the Arthouse Site. The quotation reads as follows:
"Often on a work of grve purpose and high promises is tacked a purple patch or two to give an effect of colour".
1 comment:
I love your theme for the sketchbook project Frieda, it is so YOU. I know you enjoy (and I like viewing) your explorations into shades of one colour. The fact that you get to include many of your beautiful flower photos is such a huge bonus!
The continuity of the squares of colour on every spread is a real plus too. For me, this would make it a delight to look through your sketchbook, anticipating the next round of squares. I am blessed to have many pieces of your art but it is too bad that I did not make the 3 hour drive (each way) in the heat to view the sketchbook tour this year. I would have liked very much to have held your 2011 sketchbook in my hands!
As for the journal quilt idea, I'd say go for it! Your solo exhibition is done, so you may find you have time for it especially if you keep them small . . . you are tempting me to join you! I managed that for about 1/2 the year in 2007 and treasure the experience & what I made!! xo lenna
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