Tuesday 24 September 2013

Through a Veil darkly

The fog doesn't look like it's going to lift today and this made the day just as beautiful as yesterday but in a completely different way. A veil seemed to hang over the landscape and the spider webs were hard to spot along the old railway line, where the views from yesterday were hidden.

But close up the spider webs were just as prolific and I went back alone after the dog walk so that I could give them my full attention and could climb into the heather to take a better look. 
It had been wet overnight so they were sparkling with rain drops.
Somehow in some areas of heather the light was just right to photographs them. There were literally hundreds all round. Just hope I didn't disturb too many spiders while making my way through the plants.


Georgina said...

Wouldn't it be wonderful to have the patience and the eyesight to see them being made! Our field was full of tiny webs in the grass today - I would love to see them develop!
Lovely pictures Frieda!

Georgina said...

Wouldn't it be wonderful to have the patience and the eyesight to see them being made! Our field was full of tiny webs in the grass today - I would love to see them develop!
Lovely pictures Frieda!


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