Thursday 20 February 2014

Lady Gifford, I presume

It's a horrible day here with rain and lots of wind battering the trees outside. Definitely a day meant to be spend in the studio as have the previous two days been. Lots of arting getting done but I wanted to get out and about so we made a little trip to the village. I was desperate for a blip and as the place was quiet took the opportunity to stand in the middle of the Main Street once again to take the above detail of the Gifford Panel located in the wall of one of the cottages. You can see the whole panel here. This is almost certainly Lady Gifford, the wife of James Gifford, the stone mason who carved these panels.

You could think of it as a very romantic gesture to make this for his wife. And I wasn't short of such romance myself as John gave me a splendid bouquet for Valentine's day. I've blipped the white roses in it before but the other flowers are just as lovely as you can see above. That star-burst became my blip for yesterday.

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