Friday 3 December 2010

I blip and I love it

The title of this blog does not include the S word for the first time in days (you know that word starting with s and finishing with w!) although the pictures still portray plenty of the white stuff.

In fact, John was walking past as I was typing the title, and he thought I had written "I flip" and told me I did that long ago! Indeed!! But no, I really mean I blip and some of you might already have noticed that I added a new favourite website as well as an additional online presence for myself, to the relevant places on the right-hand side of this blog. What does "I blip" mean? Well, simply that I have joined the Blipfoto site and am uploading a picture there every day. The whole idea is that you take a picture and you upload it to Blipfoto on the actual day you took the picture. This is really the only rule set in stone! I found out about this website in the Scotland on Sunday newspaper and they featured it because it's based in Edinburgh. You don't have to upload a picture every day but I'm going to give that a try.
I love my challenges. The picture above is my blip for today and you can see all my blips so far on my Blip page here. If you go to their home page, you will also see why I fell instantly in love with the whole site. Doesn't it remind you of a quilt? All uploaded pictures are put on the homepage in black and white and together they form a fantastic photo collage!

When I say I love my challenges I really mean it. It's what life is all about for me. So I also took two more pictures for the A Million Little Pictures project, again showing the bridge or rather the view through its arch. If you compare it with the same view of several days ago you can see that we've had loads more s**w! I walked about with a broomstick (rather appropriately, some might say!) to take these pictures in order to test the depth of the snow before each step, as I have already sunk in to almost my hips on several occasions due to drifting. Definitely something to avoid!

The other AMLP shot I took was this one. The bridge, a rusting old post left from the old railway line, and snow, just about still clinging on! Simple but I think, quite effective. Hopefully my disposable camera also captured it all in time, as per my theme.


Maggi said...

Wow, what a neat site! I just love your pictures, I know I can always come here for a s**w fix since we get virtually none here! :D

creativelenna said...

i have not gone to the 'blip' page yet frieda, but i will! It sounds wonderful. I think you are an excellent photographer and I could continue to look at your photos for a long, long time. I love them! I really like all the ones you shared today. You have a wonderful eye. thank goodness for challenges, I so agree! xo lenna


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